Filed under: Weddings

A Bright Summer Beach Wedding at The Grand Plaza Resort

Alicia’s initial wedding inquiry was one of my favorite kinds. Wedding photographers you can relate to this, it was one of the ones where they tell you they attended a different wedding that you photographed at. Thats how you know you are doing something right, yall! Also that past bride was also a bridesmaid at this wedding, so it was like a #katiehauburgerbrides party!

When Sam and I walked into the glam room at the resort, all the girls were drinking wine and getting ready (the best) and I got started on all the detail images, When I got up to the bridal suite, I about fell over with excitement. It was a photographers HEAVEN, the biggest windows, light walls, easy to move furniture (hehe, thanks Sam). Notice when you scroll below, the photos of the girls in the robes and Alicia in her STUNNING dress, that spacious area is where the couch NORMALLY sits 😉 

The entire afternoon was overflowing with joy and bubbly personalities. I say this in every blog post, but each and every weekend really convinces me more and more that I truly have the best brides EVER. Every time I turn around, I always hear my brides complimenting someone, telling them how gorgeous they look, etc. And Alicia was no different!

We had sunshine for their beach ceremony, with some wind, which truly is a blessing, considering the extreme Florida summer temperatures we get. Not even a rain drop all day. Throughout the entire day, the love that surrounded Alicia and Bob was so evident. Their friends and family all gathered into one space just too celebrate their love.

Alicia + Bob, Thank you SO much for having me there too first hand see just how incredibly your love is, and seeing you both flip to the next chapter together! xoxo