Filed under: For Brides

You’re Engaged: Now What?


Hello there sweet bride-to-be! I am sure you are just filled with so much joy and just pure bliss. Youre mind is racing with all these wedding ideas, you cannot believe you actually get to spend your life with this incredibly man, and lets not forget, you probably cannot stop staring at that new shiny thing on your finger 😉 Amongst all this joy, you are probably also feeling a little bit anxious, over whelmed and not quite sure where to start!

To help you get started in the right direction, I’m sharing the three things you should do first after getting engaged:

  1. Research & book a venue: This is one of the things that books the farthest out, so it’s really important to start your search first. This will help determine your wedding date and the overall look and feel of your wedding, where you’ll base a lot of your next decisions off of! 🙂 Go on some weekend dates with your new fiancĂ© and tour some of your top choices. See if you get a certain feeling when you are there! Most venues book prime Saturday dates about 1-2 years out! Don’t forget that Friday and Sunday’s make for awesome days as well!

  1. Find & book your dream photographer: Photographers are the next thing to be booked after venues, and being a photographer, nothing makes me more sad to get inquiry after inquiry from the sweetest brides for the same popular dates, over and over again. If you have a photographer in mind that you’ve been following and you would DIE to have at your wedding, work with them when choosing a date! Sometimes you can even get a list of availability from your dream photographer and match that with the venue to make sure you do not have to compromise one or the other Photographs are the one thing you will still have after your wedding, so to me photos are super important. You also want a photographer you connect with well, serve you, and be EXCITED for you on your wedding day. Isn’t is crazy? You’ll spend more time with your photographer than your “almost husband” on your wedding day!!

  2. Relationship first: I think this is so important! Stress can build up so fast during wedding planning! Its a day you have dreamed of your whole life and you just want it to be perfect! I have had so many brides tell me that wedding planning was actually some of the hardest times in their relationship. Some things that might help: Spend time together NOT talking about the wedding or planning details. Just spend time TOGETHER! You should only be growing together during this time! 

I really could not be be more EXCITED for you and your new fiance! Please don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s any way I can serve you as you plan and prepare for your big day!! Above all else, love on each other and love these sweet season you both are in together!

Contact Katie to learn more about the wedding photography experience here!