Filed under: Personal

Calianna at 6 months | Auntie Life

I did not even think it was possible, but y’all, this sweet girl has only gotten cuter and has stolen even more of my heart. This whole auntie life thing is the greatest and I am so happy that God picked this little angel for my family!!!!

She is growing so dang fast and I just wish she would SLOW down….but then again that fact that she is growing and learning and just thriving means she is healthy and so well taken care of! But I just want this season of life to last forever!!!!

But here are some highlights from the past 3 months since her last blog post!!!!

-She started food!!!! My sister is such an awesome momma and is homemaking her baby food!!! She has ate such a variety of things already. She started cereal first and did not really take much of a liking to it at first but now just loves it!!! She has also had homemade apples, bananas, pears, peaches, green beans, carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and peas!!! She HATES the homemade pears, banana, and squash. BUT she likes STORE bought pears!

-She has also started rolling!!!! She log rolls all round the house! She started only being able to roll to the right, but she has now figured out how to roll to the left and turn her self around when she is on her belly! What a smart girl!!!!

-She no longer sleeps with a swaddle and tries to escape her small bed and swing! I guess its almost time for the swing to be put away (STOP GROWING).

-She STILLLL loves to spit. She got out of the baby llama stage and then we jumped back into it.

-She also eats her toes. A LOT.

-ANDDDDD throwing things when she is in her car seat and high chair / play seats. We will find things that started in her car seat all the way on the other side of the car! She thinks she’s funny (insert eye roll here).

Here are some photos from her 6 month session and 6 month fall sessions!!!!

If you missed the 3 month blog post, you can check that out HERE!!!!